The Lucky Lucy Foundation is a Non-Profit, Pro-life, Pro-Quality of Life organization that tries to relieve the plight of severely neglected and abused township and street animals. We are also dedicated to the social upliftment and education of impoverished children and adults in and around Cape Town, and have been since inception in 2010.

It was established on Jan 28, 2010, after our founding members discovered a pregnant dog, tied to a railway line with wire. As a result of this inhumane cruelty, Lucy (as she quickly became known) lost her front leg as a result of several trains passing over her. Lucky was added because the trauma did not cause her death.

Lucky Lucy is an ambassador for the voiceless. We oppose any form of cruelty to animals, whether it is the physical abuse of a dog or inhumane methods of slaughter for human consumption. The Lucky Lucy Foundation is not just a small charity trying to save the world, but a stepping stone of hope for neglected and abused animals, a reducer of over-population, and a beacon of light for destitute adults and children.

Lucky Lucy Opening Hours

Saturdays: OPEN 09:00 – 13:00
Sundays: OPEN 09:00 – 13:00
Weekdays and weekday public holidays: CLOSED
(After Hours entry by appointment only: Please email:

Lucky Lucy’s Mission

The Lucky Lucy Foundation is a Registered Non-Profit ( NPO: 091-636 | PBO: 930-036-404), Pro-Quality of Life organization that tries to relieve the plight of severely neglected and abused township and street animals. We also care about social uplifting impoverished children and adults in and around Cape Town and have been since inception in 2010.


If you would like to help us along with our daily work by making a general monetary donation click here.

This money will be used toward rescued animals in need, to improve the living conditions of the animals in the shelter (new cattery, rehab camps…), and to support outreach programs for mass sterilization, social upliftment and educational projects as well as the day to day running’s at Lucky Lucy Foundation and meeting monthly obligations like salaries, etc.